The cardiovascular system includes the heart and blood vessels. Contraction of the heart move blood through the vascular system, thus providing the body with oxygen, nutrients, and freeing it from the decay products. Drugs to treat heart and blood vessels can be divided into three groups.
Medicines for the heart are responsible for heart disease, medications for blood vessels are responsible for diseases of arteries and veins. Preparations for the cardiovascular system is responsible for all common diseases of the cardiovascular system. The causes of cardiovascular disease vary: it may be birth defects, inflammation, trauma, adverse changes in metabolic processes, the violation of the mechanisms that regulate the activity of this system. You can buy cardiovascular drugs online at
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Indications: Cardiomagnyl is used in the treatment of moderate to severe pain.  30 pills..
This medicine is an alpha blocker used to treat high blood pressure and benign prostatic hyperpla..
Sharp and chronic insufficiency of blood circulation30 Tabletes ..
Concor (Bisoprolol) is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood..
Concor is indicated in the following conditions: Arterial hypertension; Angina; Chronic heart ..
Cordaflex is used to treat the following cardiovascular diseases: Hypertension; Coronary heart di..
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Infringements of an intimate rhythm, hypertonic illness, ischemic illness of heart, chronic coronary..
Infringements of an intimate rhythm, hypertonic illness, ischemic illness of heart, chronic coronary..
Indications for application: Collapse, asphyxia, shock state appearing during surgical interventi..
Corinfar is a prescription medication used to treat : certain types of chest pain (known medically a..
Corinfar is a prescription medication used to treat : certain types of chest pain (known medically a..
Indications: Neurosises with the raised irritability; hypererethism; a sleeplessness; dystonia; a..
Corvitol (Metoprolol) is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood ..