Metabolism - a fundamental mechanism of the organism, and when there is a metabolic disorder, the body has hard times, he was immediately begin to overcome various diseases. Metabolic disorders can occur with changes in the thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, gonadal and general starvation. In these cases, failure is fine regulation of metabolism of the nervous system. This changes the tone of the individual centers of the brain, and probably specifically the hypothalamus. It was he who controls the speed and energy production and construction, cumulative processes in the body. You can buy metabolic imbalance medicines online at
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Apilac is used to treat the following conditions: Period of recovery after the previous disease. ..
Potassium-magnesium combination used for cardiac arrhythmia.10 tablets ..
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Calcium gluconate is used to prevent and to treat calcium deficiencies. 10 tablets..
Replacement therapy in adrenocortical insufficiency; hypercalcemia due to cancer; arthritis; coll..
Helps to lose weight by decreasing the body fat60 capsules..
Lipofundin MCT/LCT is indicated as a source of calories and essential fatty acids for patients requi..
Liprimar is used in the treatment of:High Cholesterol; High Cholesterol, Familial Heterozygous; H..
Magnesium deficiency associated with the following disorders: Sleep disturbances; Increased nervo..
Magnesium deficiency associated with the following disorders: Sleep disturbances; Increased nervo..
The complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids contributes to activation of metabolic acids, p..
Mildronat pharmachologic effect: Cardioprotective, anti-hypoxic, anti-anginal, angioproteguo..
Mildronat pharmachologic effect: Cardioprotective, anti-hypoxic, anti-anginal, angioproteguo..
Osteogenon has an analgetic effect, improves well being, raises physical activity, reduces duration ..
Potassium orotate is used to treat symptoms of magnesium deficiency: diabetes, insulin resistance..